See the top of this page for all the exciting events we have on the calendar this month!
Our 9th-12th graders are encouraged to worship at the 10:15 a.m. Contemporary Worship Service in the Worship Center on Sunday mornings. Our Youth Minister, Colton Laptad, plays bass for the worship band!
On Wednesday Nights, the 10th-12th graders have a small group from 7:30-8:15 p.m. after Wednesday Night LIGHT worship that allows the youth to share how their week is going and to connect the sermon to what's going on in their life.
School students have the opportunity to be part of the KICK Team
(Kids In Christ Helping Kids.) The KICK team helps in the ministry of
Preschool and K-5 age group kids. KICK Team training is held on the first Wednesday of June every Summer.
High School students
can also serve as Sunday School Shepherds and assist in teaching the
faith to our children during Sunday School. Shepherds are
encouraged to participate weekly in worship.
Our High Schoolers are given many new responsibilities as they grow in the program.
After they are confirmed in the Spring of their 9th grade year, they become full adult members of the church.
They are invited to vote at the Annual Meetings and begin tithing in their 10th grade year.
Our 11th graders are invited to help plan the confirmation camp for our rising 8th and 9th graders in the summer.
Our Seniors are recognized each spring for their achievement of graduating High School. This year's recognition will be on May 18th.
School Bell Choir is called the Celebration Ringers and they meet
weekly for practice and perform often in our community.