Music at First Lutheran

Members, visitors, and friends are welcome to make music with us

"It is good to praise the LORD and make music to your name, O Most High" (Psalm 92:1)

Long ago, Martin Luther said, "The gift of language combined with the gift of song was given to man that he should proclaim the Word of God through music." Since God calls us to worship, glorify, and praise him in this way, our music ministry seeks to offer music that

speaks to the heart, is rooted in grace, and is focused on our Lord Jesus Christ. We work to provide a caring community

of faith for our musicians, along with opportunities to serve and build up the body of Christ.

If your gifts and talents include music, we invite you to join one of our ensembles!

First Lutheran Choir

Our 60-voice choir divides into three groups that, collectively, support all three Sunday services.

  • Open to members and non-members, eighth grade to 200 years old – no audition required!
  • Between September and June, the choir rehearses Thursday evenings from 7 to 8:30 p.m.
  • The choir sings for a special service of Lessons & Carols in December, and for the spring Gallery of Living Art
  • Through a partnership with Pikes Peak State College, the choir auditions and welcomes four music interns each school year

Handbell Ensembles

  • The Carillon Ringers, for experienced/advanced adults and high school students, rehearse Wednesdays from 5:45 to 7 p.m.
  • The Joy Ringers, for less-experienced/intermediate adults and high school students, rehearse Thursdays from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
  • The Celebration Ringers, for high school students, rehearse Sunday afternoons
  • The Jubilate Ringers, for middle school students, rehearse Sunday afternoons
  • The Rainbow Ringers, for beginning/elementary school students (Grades 2 through 5), rehearse Sundays following Sunday School

Wednesday Night LIGHT Band

Our contemporary worship band plays weekly for our Wednesday Night LIGHT service, with an instrumentation comprising guitar, piano,

keys, violin, drums, vocals, and more. We are always on the lookout for faith-filled, talented musicians! If you are interested,

or to schedule an audition, contact Eric Wicks, our Minister of Worship and Music.


We Welcome players of all instruments!

Throughout the year, a variety of instrumentalists participate in worship by accompanying a choir anthem or offering a special prelude or postlude. If you play an instrument, you are encouraged to speak with Eric Wicks, our Minister of Worship and Music, to schedule an audition.

About First Lutheran's Organ

Built by casavant frères, saint-hyacinthe, quebec, canada | opus 3846 (2005)

First Lutheran's beautiful organ was dedicated in June of 2005. The instrument has three manuals and pedal, and 41 ranks (or individual sets)

of pipes. Its 2,351 pipes are voiced on 100 millimeters (approximately four inches) of wind and stand on electric-slider chests.

See the stoplist, below

Great (unenclosed)

16' Bourdon (Ext.)

8' Principal

8' Chimney Flute

8' Harmonic Flute

4' Prestant

4' Conical Flute

2' Fifteenth

Mixture IV

16' Bassoon (Sw.)

8' Trumpet

4' Clarion (Ext.)


Swell (Enclosed)

8' Principal

8' Cor de Nuit

8' Viola da Gamba

8' Voix Celeste (TC)

4' Octave

4' Spindle Flute

2 2/3' Nazard

2' Octavin

1 3/5' Tierce

Plein-Jeu III-IV

16' Bassoon (Half-Length Ext.)

8' Trumpet

8' Oboe



Choir (Enclosed)

8' Bourdon

8' Gemshorn

8' Gemshorn Celeste (TC)

4' Principal

4' Harmonic Flute

2' Principal

Cymbale III

8' Clarinet

8' Oboe (Sw.)


16' Contra Trumpet (Ped.)

8' Trumpet (Gt.)

4' Clarion (Gt.)


32' Resultant

16' Contra Bass (Open Wood, Ext.)

16' Sub Bass

16' Bourdon (Gt.)

8' Octave Bass

8' Chimney Flute (Gt.)

4' Octave

4' Chimney Flute (Gt.)

Mixture II

16' Trombone (Full-Length, Ext.)

16' Bassoon (Sw.)

8' Trumpet (Gt.)

8' Oboe (Sw.)

4' Clarion (Gt.)

4' Oboe (Sw.)

Concerts and Events

Beautiful music throughout the year

  • Lessons & Carols, our annual Christmas concert, is presented during the first two weeks of December, and features the First Lutheran Choir, handbells, instrumentalists, soloists, and readers. Followed by our Pie Fest, a sweet tradition!
  • Gallery of Living Art, our annual presentation with staged art, music, and narration to proclaim Jesus' life, death, and resurrection
  • Frequent concerts featuring our ensembles-in-residence: Parish House Baroque, the Pikes Peak Ringers, and Soli Deo Gloria Choir

The Peel House Presents …

Two intimate concerts each year featuring the best in chamber music and other delights!

Music Ministry Staff

Eric Wicks, Minister of Worship and Music

Lori Duncan, Audiovisual and Music Assistant

Liz Shoemaker, Director of the Rainbow Ringers

Carolyn Kurtz, Music Librarian

Daniel Wicks, Organ Scholar