Adult Groups

It is the mission of First Lutheran’s Group Ministry to provide an environment where people welcome and support one another as they grow in their Christian faith, enjoy Christian fellowship, and share their gifts through outreach ministry.

A trained leader guides each group and childcare is provided for groups meeting at the church.  You can find detailed information here for all groups.

If you are interested in a group, please call the church or email us. A group leader will contact you.

719.447.6064 or email Cheryl at

For specific group times and dates please check the calendar.

Study & Support Groups

Bible and a Brew
This group meets Thursday evenings at various craft breweries throughout town. New members always welcome! For the most recent schedule check us out on

Men’s Fellowship Groups
Now in its 25th year, the Men’s Fellowship and Study Group meets Thursday mornings at 7:30 a.m. in Luther Hall to provide men of all ages with opportunities for spiritual growth, Christian fellowship, and learning from one another. With an emphasis on fellowship, study topics are selected by the group itself and have included the history and archaeology of the Bible, contemporary and historical religious issues, the thoughts and writings of significant religious thinkers and leaders, and a focus on our own thoughts and beliefs. We extend our impact through support of church youth, and related organizations like Lutheran Family Services. Come join us on Thursday mornings for a shared breakfast and good fellowship. The coffee pot is always on.

All moms and expecting moms are invited on the second and fourth Tuesday's at 9:30 a.m. of each month in the Peel House Lounge. Join us for mom community, which encourages fellowship, coffee, food, conversation, and much more!

Wayfarer’s Group
A support group for women who have experienced the loss of a partner.

Wednesday Morning Bible Study
Join Pastor at 10 a.m. on Wednesday mornings in Luther Hall for a lively discussion of the scriptures for next Sunday’s worship. (This group does not meet in the month of July).

Women’s Circle Groups
The Circles meet monthly to include Bible studies, the nurturing of spiritual life, Christian education concerning God’s call to mission, along with fellowship, fun, and service.

Service Groups
Busy Bag Ministry
Members refresh the activity bags that FLC provides at the back of the Sanctuary to help families entertain their children during worship.

Care Tote Bag Ministry
Use your sewing skills to assemble tote bags for the Christian Care Giving Ministry. Meetings held the second Thursday of the month.

Carving Club
People of all ages and experience are invited to bring their carving tools to the Wednesday evening. Meetings in Joseph’s Workshop.

Doll Doctors
Restore stuffed toys and dolls and donate them to the Dept. of Social Services. Meetings held the first Monday of the month.

Fleece Blanket Ministry
Make a no-sew fleece blanket to donate to Marian House and cancer treatment facilities. Meets the second Friday of the month.

Knit & Crochet Ministry
Combine a caring heart with a love of fiber crafts on the second and fourth Saturdays of the month. Open to beginner through advanced.

Quilting Ministry
All are welcome and we teach beginners to quilt. We make quilts for charities, personal use, and make new friends. Meetings are every Thursday in Luther Hall.

Seeds of Joy Garden Group
Maintain flower beds on church property and host gardening seminars. Meets the second Wednesday morning of the month, spring through fall.

Twice upon a Time
Donated children’s books are refurbished and provided to non-profits that address children’s literacy needs.

Social Groups
Book Discussion Group
For those interested in a lively discussion of books selected by the group itself and the fellowship that comes from sharing related perceptions, ideas, and experiences. Meets the first Wednesday of each month. All are welcome.

Bridge to Friendship
An evening gathering for those who are familiar with bridge-playing basics and would like to play non-competitively. Meets every Tuesday evening.

Dinner for Eight
Four dinners held September, October, January, and February each year between eight people (couples and singles) to share food and fellowship. Dine with new people each month.

Dining Out with FLC
This group meets twice each month at various restaurants throughout the Colorado Springs area. This is a great way to get to know people from FLC who might attend a different worship service than you do.

Hand & Foot Card Group
Learn to play this variation of the card game Canasta. Adults of all levels are always welcome to join. Meets Thursday evenings.

Mah Jongg
Experienced players and newcomers are welcome. The group meets on Tuesday mornings at 10 in the Fireside Room. We do not play for money.

Older Wiser Lutherans (OWLS)
Retired persons’ group that meets at the church for luncheon with a presentation or travels outside the church for field trips.

Theatre Group
Be inspired and enjoy fellowship with friends by attending theatrical events throughout the year. Meets semi-quarterly off-site.

Trail Trekkers
Group hikes every Thursday, April through December. Hikes vary 3 – 6 miles, easy to moderate in difficulty. Trekkers meet every Thursday at 8:00 a.m. April-August; 9:00 a.m. September-December.  No scheduled hikes January-March.

Sunrise Walkers meet every Tuesday at 7:00.

Adult Groups calendar